
                             CANpari Drivers 
                  Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP

                    Vector Informatik GmbH, Stuttgart


                      Date:             15.01.2002
                      Driver Version:   2.7


Vector Informatik GmbH
Ingersheimer Straße 24
70499 Stuttgart, Germany

Phone   : +49 - (0)711 - 80670 - 0
Fax     : +49 - (0)711 - 80670 - 111
Internet: http:///www.vector-informatik.com
Email   : can@vector-informatik.de


1. Important Note 
2. CANpari Driver Installation or Update 
3. Application Drivers
4. CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf.exe)
5. Files
6. Support


1. Important Note 

Under Windows 2000 and Windows XP you can run CANpari only standalone 
(not together with any other Vector CAN Hardware). 


2. CANpari Driver Installation or Update:

- Be sure you have administrator rights. 

- Start SETUP.EXE on the driver disk.

   Follow the instructions on screen.

   The setup programm will ask for the directory where you have installed your
   CANalyzer, CANoe or CANape. To install the programming library only, install
   the library first (see below), then run the CANapri setup and specify the 
   directory where you have installed the library.

For additional help and information please refer to the installation manual 
shipped with the CAN Driver CD or on the Vector internet homepage 
(http://www.vector-informatik.com, section support). 


3. Application Drivers

Usually the application CAN drivers are installed by the applications
installation program. 

To update the application CAN driver manually just copy CANDRV32.DLL to your
application directory.
Note: This is required for CANalyzer (Version less 3.0), CANoe (Version less 3.0), 
CANape (Version less 3.1) and ProCANopen. 


- copy a:\candrv32.dll c:\Program Files\CANalyzer\exec32\candrv32.dll
- copy a:\candrv32.dll c:\Program Files\CANape\exec\candrv32.dll


4. CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf.exe)

The CAN Hardware configuration utility gives you the ability to 
configurate all installed Vector CAN Hardware. It is located in your Control 
Panel under 'CAN-Hardware' or on your CAN-Driver disc.


5. Files:

File              Description                            Destination

vcannt.sys        card driver                             \%windir%\system32

candrv32.dll      driver DLL for CANalyzer up to V2.5     \canape32\exec
vcndrvms.dll      driver DLL for CANalyzer 3.0 and higher \%windir%\system32

vcanconf.exe      CAN hardware configuration utility      \%windir%\system32
vcanconf.hlp                                              \%windir%\system32
vcancpa.cpl                                               \%windir%\system32

btest32.exe       test application                       
loop.exe          test application                        
canp_inf.exe      application to retrieve e.g. serial number  

setup.exe         setup utility                           
setup.ini         setup configuration information         

                  readme for Windows NT / 2000 / XP 


6. Support: 

If you need technical support, you find additional information on the Vector 
internet homepage (http://www.vector-informatik.com) or contact Vector by phone 
or by mail (support@vector-informatik.de / info@vector-cantech.com / 
eng@vector-japan.co.jp) and send the following information: 
    - version number of the driver
    - version number of the card's firmware  
    - which CAN hardware you're using 
    - serial number of the CAN hardware
    - which CAN software you're using 
    - your computer system 
    - your operating system 
    - description of your problem 
