-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANcardX WinNT4 Drivers and Firmware Vector Informatik GmbH, Stuttgart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20.08.2002 Driver Version: 3.4.32 Firmware Version: 1.50.120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector Informatik GmbH Ingersheimer Straße 24 70499 Stuttgart, Germany Phone: - 711 - 80670 - 0 Fax: - 711 - 80670 - 111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content ------- 1. Card Driver and Firmware Installation or Update 2. Card Firmware Update 3. Application Drivers 4. CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf.exe) 5. Troubleshooting 6. Files 7. Support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Card Driver and Firmware Installation or Update -------------------------------------------------- - Insert the card before switching on your PC. - Be sure you have administrator rights. - Look for a free interrupt and I/O port range (8 Bytes). - Start SETUP.EXE on the driver disk and follow the instructions on screen. - On first installation, don't choose firmware update. Installation Program (SETUP.EXE) --------------------------------- You can update the firmware of the card by selecting the check box. But this has no effect during the first installation. In this case you have to complete the installation and do the firmware's update after restarting the computer. The setup program will ask if you want to update driver dlls. This is required for CANalyzer (Version less 3.0), CANoe (Version less 3.0), CANape (less 3.1) and ProCANopen. Running two cards with Windows NT 4.0 ------------------------------------- The PCMCIA drivers of Windows NT are not able to handle two identical cards. We have designed a special method to solve this problem which is described in the following. If you are using a Plug&Play extension driver like Touchstone Cardware or SystemSoft Cardwizard this is not required, because they are able to use two identically cards. During installation the setup program asks you whether to install a second card or not. Choose Yes and assign a free port address and Interrupt to the card. Reboot the system with ONE CANcardX. After the system has been restarted, modify the CIS with the following command: a:canxpar -modifycis (In order to run two cards with Windows NT 4.0, the second card must have a different CIS (Card Information Structure).) Insert a second CANcardX and reboot the system. After the reboot, you should see two CANcardX entries in the CAN Hardware panel. NOTE: You can undo the renaming with the same command. Update from Beta Version of the 3.0 driver (less 3.0.15) and two cards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The test version has changed the name from CANcardX to CANcardY (with canxpar.exe) to use two cards. This causes a name conflict with a different card called CANcardY. To solve this problem this version uses CANcardC instead. To make your CANcardY- named cards running with the new versions of the driver, you have to do the following: - Do not install this driver. - Reboot the system with ONLY the renamed card (CANcardY). - Run a:canxpar -modifycis; you should see the message 'CIS changed to CANcardX'. - Run a:canxpar -modifycis again ; you should see the message 'CIS changed to CANcardC'. - Now you can install this new driver. - Ignore the warning message of the setup program which says that you have installed a test version of the driver. For additional help and information please refer to the installation manual shipped with the CAN Driver CD or on the Vector internet homepage (http://www.vector-informatik.com, section support). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Card Firmware Update ----------------------- To update the cards firmware be sure that the drivers of this driver disk are installed properly, especially the reboot is done after driver installation and no CAN related applications (including the CAN Hardware configuration utility) are running. Then start setup.exe and choose "Firmware Update" only or start prom32.exe on the driver disk to do the firmware update. > a: > prom32 Note: If your card has a broken firmware make sure you start setup.exe / prom32 before you have started any other Application using the CAN Hardware (especially the CAN Hardware configuration utility). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Application Drivers ---------------------- Usually the application CAN drivers are installed by the applications installation program. To update the application CAN driver manually just copy CANDRV32.DLL to your application directory. Note: This is required for CANalyzer (Version less 3.0), CANoe (Version less 3.0), CANape (Version less 3.1) and ProCANopen. Example: - copy a:\candrv32.dll c:\Program Files\CANalyzer\exec32\candrv32.dll - copy a:\candrv32.dll c:\Program Files\CANape\exec\candrv32.dll --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf.exe) ---------------------------------------------------- The CAN Hardware configuration utility gives you the ability to configurate all installed Vector CAN Hardware. It is located in your Control Panel under 'CAN-Hardware' or on your CAN-Driver disc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Troubleshooting ------------------ A known problem is that the interrupt assigned to CANcardX sometimes doesn't work. In this case during reboot the message "At least one service or driver failed during system start. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for details." is displayed. The corresponding event log (in Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools (Common) -> Event Viewer) is "Error: Card communication failed". To get CANcardX running, you have to select the corresponding CANcardX in the CAN Hardware configuration utility, press the "Configure"-Button, choose an other free interrupt and reboot. To get the number of a free interrupt, open "Windows NT Diagnostics" (Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools (Common) -> Windows NT Diagnostics), select "Resources" and press the button "IRQ". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Files -------- File Description Destination -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vcanx.sys card driver \%windir%\system32\drivers vcanv.sys virtual CAN bus driver \%windir%\system32\drivers candrv32.dll driver DLL for CANalyzer up to V2.5 \canape32\exec \canwin\exec32 vcndrvms.dll driver DLL for CANalyzer 3.0 and higher \%windir%\system32 vcanconf.exe CAN hardware configuration utility \%windir%\system32 vcanconf.hlp \%windir%\system32 vcancpa.cpl \%windir%\system32 btest32.exe test application a:\ loop.exe test application a:\ hw_test.bat batch file to start automatic test a:\ canxpar.exe card modify tool a:\ prom32.exe firmware programming utility a:\ ccxfw150.h86 firmware version a:\ levelIRQ_on.reg registry entries required for some a:\ pcmcia drives levelIRQ_off.reg registry entries required for some a:\ pcmcia drives setup.exe setup utility a:\ setup.ini setup configuration information a:\ readme.txt readme a:\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Support ---------- If you need technical support, you find additional information on the Vector internet homepage (http://www.vector-informatik.com) or contact Vector by mail (support@vector-informatik.de / info@vector-cantech.com / eng@vector-japan.co.jp) and send the following information: - version number of the driver - version number of the card's firmware - which CAN hardware you're using - serial number of the CAN hardware - which CAN software you're using - your computer system - your operating system - description of your problem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------