-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANcardX / CANcardY WDM Drivers and Firmware for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and Windows ME Vector Informatik GmbH, Stuttgart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20.08.2002 Driver Version: 3.4.32 Firmware Version: 1.50.120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector Informatik GmbH Ingersheimer Straße 24 70499 Stuttgart, Germany Phone: - 711 - 80670 - 0 Fax: - 711 - 80670 - 111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content ------- 1. Card Driver Installation 2. Card Driver Update 3. Card Firmware Update 4. Application Drivers 5. CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf.exe) 6. Troubleshooting 7. Uninstall 8. Files 9. Support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Card Driver Installation --------------------------- - Start your Computer. - If you are installing under Windows 2000 or Windows XP, be sure that you have administrator rights. - Be sure that all Applications and the CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf) are closed (not visible in task bar). - Insert the Card. - Insert the driver disk. - Follow the instructions of Windows. - Restart your computer. For additional help and information please refer to the installation manual shipped with the CAN Driver CD or on the Vector internet homepage (http://www.vector-informatik.com, section support). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Card Driver Update --------------------- - If you're using Windows 2000 or Windows XP, be sure you have administrator rights. - Insert the Card. - Insert the driver disk. - Start the Windows Device Manager. - Go to the CANcardX / CANcardY settings and select Driver update. Choose to select a driver from a list of available drivers. Specify the path of the driver (e.g. "a:"). Complete the installation. For additional help and information please refer to the installation manual shipped with the CAN Driver CD or on the Vector internet homepage (http://www.vector-informatik.com, section support). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Card Firmware Update ----------------------- To update the cards firmware be sure that the drivers of this driver disk are installed properly, especially the reboot is done after driver installation and no CAN related applications (including the CAN Hardware configuration utility) are running. Then start prom32.exe on the driver disk to do the firmware update. > a: > prom32 Note: If your card has a broken firmware make sure you start prom32 before you have started any other application using the CAN Hardware (especially the CAN Hardware configuration utility). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Application Drivers ---------------------- Usually the application's CAN drivers are installed by the application's installation programs. To update the application CAN driver manually just copy CANDRV32.DLL to your application directory. Note: This is required for CANalyzer (Version less 3.0), CANoe (Version less 3.0), CANape (Version less 3.1) and ProCANopen. Example: - copy a:\candrv32.dll c:\Program Files\CANalyzer\exec32\candrv32.dll - copy a:\candrv32.dll c:\Program Files\CANape\exec\candrv32.dll --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CAN Hardware configuration utility (vcanconf.exe) ---------------------------------------------------- The CAN Hardware configuration utility gives you the ability to configurate all installed Vector CAN Hardware. It is located in your Control Panel under 'CAN-Hardware' or on your CAN-Driver disc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Troubleshooting ------------------ 6.1 PCMCIA Drives with PCI Interface ------------------------------------ Most PCMCIA drives with PCI Interface (not the ELAN drives) use shared PCI Interrupts for the PCMCIA Interrupt. In this case the PCMCIA card has to use the same interrupt as the drive. If you are using Windows 2000, you have to install Service Pack 1 and execute the 'PciSwapbox.reg' delivered with this driver. On some machines the Plug&Play mechanism does not work correctly with the SCM drive. In this case you have to go to the 'Device Manager' and do a manual update. 6.2 ELAN PCMCIA Drives ---------------------- The ELAN PCMCIA drives are shipped with a special device driver called PSeries. If you are using Windows 98 or Windows ME please make sure that you are using a version 5.05 or higher of the PSeries driver. Usage of older versions may result in considerable reduced performance or unexpected behavior. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Uninstall ------------ Uninstallation of the driver is done with the Windows Device Manager. It is possible to remove the card driver and Virtual CAN Bus driver by removing it from the Device Manager. No additional action is necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Files -------- File Description Destination -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cancardx.inf setup configuration information \%windir%\inf (Win2k, WinXP) \%windir%\inf\other (Win98/ME) virtual.inf setup configuration information vcanx.sys card driver \%windir%\system32\drivers vcanv.sys virtual CAN bus driver \%windir%\system32\drivers candrv32.dll driver DLL for CANalyzer up to V2.5 \canape32\exec \canwin\exec32 vcndrvms.dll driver DLL for CANalyzer 3.0 and higer (1) vcanconf.exe CAN hardware configuration utility (1) vcanconf.hlp (1) vcancpa.cpl (1) PciSwapBox.reg registry entries required for some a:\ pcmcia drives btest32.exe test application a:\ loop.exe test application a:\ hw_test.bat batch file to start automatic test a:\ prom32.exe firmware programming utility a:\ ccxfw150.h86 card firmware a:\ readme.txt readme a:\ (1): \%windir%\system32 on Win2k / WinXP \%windir%\system on Win98 / WinME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Support ---------- If you need technical support, you find additional information on the Vector internet homepage (http://www.vector-informatik.com) or contact Vector by mail (support@vector-informatik.de / info@vector-cantech.com / eng@vector-japan.co.jp) and send the following information: - version number of the driver - version number of the card's firmware - which CAN hardware you're using - serial number of the CAN hardware - which CAN software you're using - your computer system - your operating system - description of your problem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------